A Star Was Named?
There's many of things out there in this world we are, and aren't, aware of, including the fact that there's so many stars out in this universe that you can even put in a submission to legally name one of them! One Eyenetic, Matthias Gruhn-Creutzburg, decided to submit one, naming one after Lisa.
"Lisa's eyes touched me very emotionally," he says. "These were eyes in which the universe was mirrored. Eyes whose lights reminded of the twinkling of the stars. And in fact, it sparked my love of astronomy and space travel." Matthew followed: "Since I work part-time as a speaker for space technology at an observatory, I heard some time ago that there are private agencies where you can baptize a star on any name for certain occasions. And so it occurred to me that in this way I can process my grief over the loss of Lisa, and maybe I can give other fans a chance to deal with the grief."
"Not every fan has the opportunity to visit her grave, but everyone can see the stars! Everyone now knows that in a private registry the star with the official name "ZETA CASSIOPEIAE" was named in honor of "Lisa Nicole Left Eye Lopes". That it is just a private agency and the name is not officially recognized by the IAU, but it's not important. What is important is that there is now a point in the sky to which we can look up. And when we look up to this star, we see again this unique, unforgettable sparkle in the eyes of Lisa. I'm sitting outside now, listening to Lisa's music and looking at the star that bears her name, and even if I know that the star officially has a different name, I feel an inner warmth in my heart. Even if it was a private agency for star baptisms. For me, it is and always will be the star "Lisa Nicole Left Eye Lopes". The star belongs to the constellation of Cassiopeia. The astronomical scientific name of this star is: Zeta Cassiopeiae or: ζ Cas - 17 Cas - HIP 2920 - SAO 21566 - HD 3360. Information about the star can be found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki"
Will you be looking out? ;) Thank you so much Matt for doing this! Lisa would be proud of you! <3